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Inside Europe: Iberian Notes
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"The Sexy Scourgers of Spanish Socialism" - Jessica Harbour
"The King of the Spanish Bloggers" - Kaleboel
"A expat loser." - Anonymous
"Occasionally downright Fascist but always readable" - The Entertainer Online

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yeah, as you've seen, we've been on hiatus. Keep up with news from Spain with the Spain Herald, Barcepundit in English, and Spain Media. I spend so much time in front of the computer that I have little desire to blog. The desire will come back.

Until then, people interested in Spanish history will definitely want to read this collection of documents regarding Hitler's negotiations with Franco in English from the US government.

Friday, June 10, 2005

I've been very busy with Libertad Digital. They asked me to write a book review of this ridiculous anti-American tract, which they ran today, if you want to check it out, and I did a series of articles on anti-Americanism for them that they're going to run. As for news from Spain, you should of course be reading the Spain Herald religiously. We're running more stories now, and they're more interesting than they were a while ago. More foreign policy, economics, and sports and the same amount of domestic politics.
