Friday, May 30, 2008

Jesus. I got another one of these. Showed up on my referrals log because Iberian Notes is becoming your one-stop shop for incest porn. This guy is from Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia, and he did a Google search for "sun fuck whit mather." Four words. Three spelled wrong. Note which one he got right. What a freak.

If I were into stereotyping people I know nothing about, like certain readers of El Pais, I'd say that the Oedipus complex runs rampant among males in Islamic countries. As does bad spelling.


Akaky said...

John, remember that in a good many Islamic countries marrying your first cousin is standard procedure. Do this long enough and you get the Islamic equivalent of that banjo playing kid and his kinfolks in Deliverance. I dont imagine the Muslim equivalents would demand that anyone squeal like a piggy, though

Anonymous said...

News just in: islamaphobic blog entry is followed up by islamaphobic blog commenter.

Baaah like a sheep, akaky.

John said...

Islamophobic? What part of "If I were into stereotyping people I know nothing about" didn't you understand? I guess they didn't get around to teaching the second conditional until after you dropped out of your third year of eighth grade.

Jesus, people, learn to read. I accept criticism, but at least figure out what I'm saying before you call me a bigot.

Akaky said...

So, Anon, which part of what I wrote is Islamophobic? The part about the high number of consanguinous marriages in the Muslim world? Or the part that such marriages invariably produce more birth defects than a nonconsanguinous marriage? The first is a matter of sociological fact, the second a matter of biological fact. If you're expecting me to cringe because you tagged me with a PC label, you are kidding yourself.

boynamedsue said...

Where's all the insect porn I was promised?

I like beetles.

Troy said...

If I were into jumping to conclusions about people I've never met, like certain right-wing bloggers, I'd say that a persecution complex runs high with Americans who desperately try to defend a country they obviously left for a reason.